Monkey Documentation

Drawing with Images

In this tutorial we load some images from our apps data folder and learn more about

Import mojo
Class Game Extends App

    Field image:Image

    Method OnCreate()
        SetUpdateRate 30

    Method OnRender()
        DrawImage image,20,20       


Function Main()
    New Game()

Create a new monkey file, paste the above code, and save as "game.monkey" in a new folder on your computer.

This app, when run, produces a black display as the LoadImage command will fail to find the file monkey64.png.

In the same folder that you saved "game.monkey" create a new directory named "". Copy this image to the newly created .data folder.

Add Points where you Click

Now we add a new Point class that contains an x y coordinate pair using floating point values.

Class Point
    Field x#
    Field y#

We also add a List container to manage the Points that we store each time the user clicks on the screen.

    Field points:=New List<Point>

The := syntax is a shortcut for a standard equate that infers the type of the Left Hand Side (LHS) from the type on the Right Hand Side (RHS). In this case the Field named points of type List<Point> could have also been declared and initialized using the longer winded:

    Field points:List<Point>=New List<Point>

The type List<Point> is an example of a monkey template. A List<Point> supports the standard List interface but specifically for objects of type Point.

Import mojo

Class Point
    Field x#
    Field y#

Class Game Extends App

    Field image:Image
    Field points:=New List<Point>

    Method OnCreate()
        SetUpdateRate 30

    Method AddPoint(x#,y#)
        Local p:Point=New Point
        points.AddLast p

    Method OnUpdate()
        If MouseHit() AddPoint MouseX,MouseY

    Method OnRender()
        For Local point:=Eachin points
            DrawImage image,point.x,point.y


Function Main()
    New Game()

The AddLast method is called on the list to add an entry each time the user clicks the mouse.

The OnRender method draws the list of monkeys by using the enumeration

        For Local point:=Eachin points

This allows monkey code to process each element of the list in the order they were added.